Targeting toothy fish like northern pike on big fly tackle requires a bit different techniques for both casting the giant flies and getting a solid hookset. FTTV Cameraman Tim Farnsworth celebrated his birthday by going to Alaskan Adventures Lodge with host Chad LaChance (who became an impromptu camerguy!) to target pike, sheefish and grayling, where he quickly learned the value of a “strip set”. That lodge has ridiculous pike numbers so anglers get plenty of practice with them as well as the sheefish. If you want a seriously bent 10wt Dan Paull’s Alaskan Adventures can make that happen! Please subscribe while you’re here…FTTV is a labor of love!
00:00 “he ate the tennis ball”
02:10 getting bites is not the problem
04:04 strip, strip strip!
06:25 the guide gets to fish!