How to replace a fishing line guide without rod building equipment

Aggh! Once the line guide on your fishing rod breaks – either rusts out or the ceramic falls out – you probably just throw it away since you did not have the right rod building equipment to wrap a replacement guide on properly. In this video, I show how to install a new line guide without any rod building equipment. The result is functional… you can make it a pretty as you want. My apologies in advance to the purists…

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Steve’s CatchGuide series of fishing books is available on Amazon:
Wade and Shoreline Fishing the Potomac River for Smallmouth Bass –
Maryland Trout Fishing –
Wade Fishing the Rappahannock River of Virginia –
Wade Fishing the Rapidan River of Virginia –
Wade Fishing the North Branch of the Potomac –

Read Steve’s columns in:
Southern Trout Magazine –
Southern Kayak Fishing –

Liability Disclaimer and Warning:
In short, you accept all risk of using any ideas presented in this video.

Do not apply any suggestion if it will ruin the appearance, function or structural integrity of your kayak. You are solely responsible to determine if the ideas expressed are appropriate for your boat and we disclaim any responsibility for your actions and decisions.

Nothing in this video creates any expressed or implied warranty or guarantees a result. You are responsible for the safe operation of tools and any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of those tools or from the information contained in this video is 100% your responsibility. We shall not be held liable in any way or manner for errors, misleading or incorrect information. If you find an error, please notify us right away using the contact form for the channel.

It goes without saying that fishing is dangerous as a result of the fast water, slick rocks and other hazards that occur at random, unexpected places. You need to exercise caution, particularly in the spring when the water is high or during rapid changes in tide, before you fish anywhere. You should always wear a life vest when fishing. In addition, a wading staff will help you keep your balance as you walk on the shoreline or wade.

The bottom line is that you must make your own judgment in terms of acceptable behavior and risk and not rely on the opinions expressed here. The regulations governing legal access to fishing locations may change at any time and it is your responsibility to understand the law. Nothing expressed should be construed as encouraging you to trespass on private property or violate a regulation.

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