A centerpin looks like a large-diameter fly reel, but it has no drag, which allows it to spin freely on its axis (its “center pin”) forward and backward. Centerpin reels do have a clicker, but it is used for transporting the reel, not for fishing.
A centerpin rod is long, often between 11 and 13 feet in length. This allows the angler to keep as much line on the water as possible, to reduce drag on the rig, and maintain a perfect drift. The rods are also very limber in order to protect the light leaders.
The advantage of centerpin fishing is that it creates the most natural presentation possible in moving water by allowing your bait a drag-free drift at the same speed as the river current.
Want to book a centerpin or striped bass trip with Captain Joe? Visit his website: https://joediorioguideservice.com
View Joe’s detailed centerpin article here: https://www.onthewater.com/discover-centerpin-fishing
Follow Captain Joe: https://www.instagram.com/joe.diorio.guide.service/
Filmed and edited by OTW Videographer Andrew Burke: https://www.instagram.com/burke_films/