This documentary highlights the rapidly decline of fishing resources in the Gulf of Mottama due to the illegal use of the small mash net size (called Than Zagar Pike) and other illegal fishing practices that prevent fish to reproduce. According to U Shwe Aung, Kyaikhto FDA’s Chairman, weakness in law enforcement is one of the major problems to be able to fully eliminate the illegal fishing. He further explained that more than 80 boats are known to operate illegally in the Gulf of Mottama’s fishing grounds threatening the sustainable reproduction of fish species and menacing small-scale fisherman livelihoods.
Since 2018, with the support from the Gulf of Mottama Project, the local fisherman and respective representative from MFF, FDA and Department of Fisheries (Mon State & Bago Region) have conducted regular patrolling activities in the Gulf of Mottama with the aim to conserve fisheries resource and combatting illegal fishing. However, until today, the illegal fishing continues to take place in some areas and its abrogation is the main stakeholder’s challenge.