I made a short Loop Knot video to answer the question ” how to tie the Dropper Loop Knot? ” With this Dropper Loop Knot, you can easily change fishing weights.
Loop Knots are among the most useful Fishing Knots.
Loop Knots are among the most useful Fishing Knots.
The FISHER youtube channel is a helpful Fishing Guide for Angling. Fishing For Beginners, Fishing Hacks, Fishing Rigs Setup, Fishing Knots, Hook Fishing, Fishing Tips you can find information on topics such as.
My Fishing Knots list has fishing videos like fg knot, palomar knot, loop knot, albright knot, snell knot, dropper loop knot, mono to braid knot.
#fishing #fishingknot #hookfishing
Fishing Hacks and Diy Fishing Tools
Fishing Rigs
Fishing Knots