LꙬK ► KAYAK FISHING HACK – EZ DIY Kayak Fishing Lure Storage Hacks Ft Sandi Roberts | KastKing

Fishing Hacks
In this KastKing kayak fishing how to video, Kayak Fishing Hack EZ DIY Kayak Lure Storage Hacks Ft Sandi Roberts, learn how to make fishing lure storage for your kayak. Sandi is using a Hobie Kayak, but this fishing hack will work on other brand kayaks. It’s simple to do and doesn’t require a lot of tools to make this under-seat fishing baits holder that’s spill proof.

Craftsman Box From Lowe’s

Sandi says, “This is a great box by Craftsman. I got it at Lowe’s. It was around 32 dollars, and it’s going to fit under the Hobie Pro Angler 12 or the Hobie Pro Angler 14 seat. I haven’t tried it with any other kayak, but those two kayaks it definitely does fit. So the drawers are on tracks and you can see you I’ve got quite a large drawer here and it just snaps back in and then the second drawer is like that. It has dividers. I’ve kind of changed the dividers around cut them up a little bit to make them fit. The particular lures that I want to use now this box has on the side something that you think, maybe for stacking purposes. You could attach your strapping to, however, the kayak seat in order to get to the drawers here, you’re, going to need to move this forward, so the first thing I did was, I cut out these mats.

Use a Sleeping Mat to Adjust Height

This is basically a sleeping mat. I think I got this at one of the sporting goods stores and I cut them to fit the little black openings where normally this is above your seat, so I just put the second one in, too. So that’s the first thing you want to do you’re, trying to even out the height here. You need some strap hooks right here for the strap to go through. So you’re going to attach two of those to the very end of the box, so we’ve got one there, one there.

Hobie Strap Mod

You can see it this way to one and two, then we need to take out the existing straps make sure you keep the screws there’s going to be a little bit of plastic on them. You can get that off with some fingernail polish remover or something. You’re going to take off the old straps, and I try to save everything. Next, we’ve attached, the new strap and it’s very short. It’s only about three inches from the bottom, which is right. There we’ve used the old screw it’s important because the screws have a fitting that they go into in the kayak so to reuse the screws. But I always keep all my anytime I do a Hobie, mod or a modification for the kayak; I always keep the stuff, and in case I ever sell this kayak. Then I can make it back to original. So next we’re, making a double-ended strap and the strap is going to go through these two things that we’ve put on to attach. So this part is going to connect down into the kayak. So what you’ve got to do you I’ve got to thread it through both ends, and then you put one there and of course, just connect. It’s super easy put one through here and then I kind of like to have them go through here and then what will happen is these will connect down to the kayak and then, if you need to take them off? Of course, when you’re going to carry this, you’re, going to pick it up and carry it.

The Install

You’re going to leave this strap on always okay, that’s about it. For that part really easy way to make these, I’ve got the part laid out the strap and then how i made the hole was I simply took an ice pick and I heated it up and then I let the ice pick go through the hole once it was hot and then that’s what made the hole in the fabric. Okay! So once everything’s installed that’s what you’re going to have these two clips. They are going to come up like this. It’s actually the clip end. This is the part we’ve modified on the kayak. We’ve, made it much shorter. We’ve, put two of the exact same on the bottom put the box in. So we’re going to put the box right about here. We’ve lined it up pretty close with the hatch here. Put that down. All we have to do now is hook it in take the other side and hook it in and we’ve made this. So obviously you can tighten it, so you can tighten it down and then the last thing is we’ll just demonstrate how the seat goes in, but see these drawers you’ve got these doors full of things. So now we’re, going to show you the seat. Now we’re, going to put the seat in, attach it right there put it up, put the seat down. You can see right here what we’ve got.
It opens up nicely opens up nicely this way. I can get to everything under my seat now before I used to have to pull boxes out, then open the box and then put the box back and then try to strap it down.

Kayak Storage Hack

So I wasn’t using a lot of my boxes that were stored under the seat. So now, with this little Craftsman box, everything’s here, a lot of things, not everything, and then it just goes back together and that’s, it. That is a new storage hack for your kayak.

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Thanks for watching Kayak Fishing Hack EZ DIY Kayak Lure Storage Hack Ft Sandi Roberts | KastKing.


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