Thresher’s shore fishing guide with lures. -Want to know how to catch fish from shore on lures? Here ya’ go. In this saltwater shore fishing guide I tell you what you need to know as a beginner, or even experienced angler, to catch fish from shore with lures. Fish include speckled trout, redfish, and flounder
Month: November 2019
Bill Spicer is fly fishing on the Grand River in southern Ontario and receives excellent technique instruction from popular guides John Valk and Rob Heal. Great show for learning more about nymph, streamer and dry fly fishing. For More Videos: Subscribe to Learn More About Fly Fishing:
How to catch carp. How to locate carp, carp bait, carp fishing gear and carp fishing tips and techniques. If you are getting into carp fishing this is the perfect video from you. How to catch carp playlist Carp Bait Playlist 15 Favorite Carp Baits: How to Catch Carp with Feed Corn How to tie
The most common question I get asked is “what gear do you use?” so here it is!!!
OOD’s Bass Columnist, Luigi De Rose, shows some of his favourite bass-fishing hacks.
You’ll encounter different types of bites as you begin the journey of bass fishing. How do you know if you have a bite? Will it always feel the same? The honest truth is that there is no better substitute than time on the water to learn this. I want to help by showing you some
The Great Rod Race Day 2 Fish Fishing Documentary Carp Eel & Tench – National Geographic Documentary The Great Rod Race Day 2 Fish Fishing Documentary Carp Eel & Tench – National Geographic Documentary Like And Subscribe For More Updates National . The Great Rod Race Day 2 – Fish Fishing Documentary Carp Eel &
Primitive Technology: Believe This Fishing? Fishing Trap With 10 Bottles & 10 Hooks If you do not like my video, please don’t watch it, But, if you like our videos, please subscribe and follow us. Thank you for watching ! Visit us: Facebook page: Twitter: Youtube: Blog: http: Google plus: Pinterest:
fishing hook knots / No more waving knots Subscribe to me to subscribe. Thank you. #뼈다귀삼촌 #fishing knots #fishing hooks
Who’s up for some tube rigs?? Tubes have been a killer on bass for decades and these are some of my favorite rigging methods to catch them. I use variations of these year round, and they’re consitently some of my best fish catchers. Be sure to SUBSCIRBE if you liked the video! Thank you so
Hey Junkies, It’s finally here…the video you’ve been asking for, for some time now. I wanted to make sure that I had it stocked to my liking before sharing with you all. Hope you enjoy the video and were able to take something away from it. As always, thank you for your continued support. I
Toothpaste can do so many things other than clean your teeth with the toothbrush, Watch what else can you do with toothpaste regularly except cleaning your teeth. Watch 6 Toothpaste Life Hacks YOU SHOULD KNOW List of Life Hacks Shown in this Video: 1. How to remove brown stains from iron Easily With toothpaste 2.
Choosing the right line can be confusing. Here’s a rundown on the characteristics of the four major types of line. Facebook –
Amazon River Monsters | Journey Into Amazonia | National Geographic Documentary. This is the first part in the Rivers of the Sun – Amazonian Basin documentary series, uploaded here as a reference to all members. 🙂 . Thanks for watching! Running 4000 miles from the Andes to the Ocean, The Amazon carries a fifth
Fall Bass Fishing Techniques! Come along with me on a beautiful Monday to chase some fall spotted bass!!
UPDATED VIDEO HERE: VISIT: For All the Best Fishing Knots and Fishing Rigs!!! How to Tie the Egg Loop Knot! The Egg Loop knot is one of the best fishing knots because it allows you to add bait to your hook. You can add anything to the egg loop knot, such as chicken
In this video, I take you guys with me to my local creek to go Fishing for some stocked trout! I share all of my TIPS, TRICKS, and SECRETS for catching stocked trout. I’ll break down my favorite baits, lures, setups and techniques. My goal is to help each and every one of you catch
What is in my saltwater tackle box? That is the question, come along as I walk you through my fishing box and show you all of my lures and tackle. I like to keep things as simple as possible and really try not to fall prey to purchasing every “cool” lure that I come across
See the range – Simon heads down to his favourite stretch of canal to put the new GO2 Canal Super Blend through its paces…
Want to learn to catch more catfish? Want to learn to catch bigger catfish? In this video I’m talking about 5 HUGE CATFISH FISHING mistakes that people make. You can use this video to learn to catch more catfish!
This week we are giving some great Pier fishing tips for Beginners. Pier fishing with live shrimp is a great way to target some larger and feistier fish. Watch this tutorial for some great pier fishing tips, learn our Pier fishing set ups, see our pier fishing rigs and learn how to start catching fish
From north to south, the long coastline of Japan cultivates diverse local lifestyles reflecting unique geographic conditions. People live in harmony with the sea by combining their traditional wisdom with scientific knowledge. These coastal areas, where the sea and human beings are intimately connected, are called “satoumi”. Learn more about Satoumi at UNU Twitter:
Pro bass angler Justin Lucas has had a successful history of drop shot fishing Texas-rigged worms around docks, bush and grass of all types; if you’re fishing around cover that’s likely to fowl an exposed hook, then Texas rigging a worm is the way to go. Justin outlines 5 simple but key tips essential to
Knot tying video tutorial. Learn how to make a clinch knot fishing knot. Easy step by step instructions in this simple guide. The clinch knot is an easy knot to tie a line to hook, snap, swivel or lure. -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Splicing three strand rope is easier than you think. learn how in my most popular
Catch more fish with these 4 tricks you’ve probably never thought to try! They’re going to change the way you fish this Fall so be sure to take notes! Front Runner… Front Runner: Super Spook Junior: Super Spook: River2Sea Rover: Reaction Innovations Vixen: Spinnerbaits… River2Sea Bling Spinnerbait: War Eagle
Learn how to Make a Fishing Rod or Pole and How to make a fishing Reel for fishing. Bamboo Mini fishing Rod. Fishing Hacks
Check out the full range at Jamie Hughes shows us two simple methods to make your luncheon meat better for fishing.
Breezy Wynn’s first TV documentary “Fishing for Survival”
Bass fishing tips can vary depending on time of year and weather conditions. Here are 9 every angler can use right now to catch more fish all day long! Related Videos: Top 5 Lures For Catching Bass In New Waters: How To Find Fish & Develop a Pattern: How Do You Get Good
24 of the most useful carp fishing knots together in the new iBook: Carp Fishing Knots – From the reel to the hook. Easy to follow step-by-step knot-tying illustrations and videos: Carp knots set-up Spool knot Double grinner knot Improved albright knot Mahin leader knot Leadcore splice Needle knot Grinner knot Palomar knot Jim